
Baba 1200 OCA Lamination Machine With V2 Bubble Remover+2C Vaccum Pump+Air Compressor-30L Full Setup

Product Description :-

  • Here is a gift of 2022 for our valuable customer
  • ???????????? ??????????????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ????????? 2022 ?????? ??????????????? ??????
  • The latest oca lamination machine has come out with the most affordable price
  • ????????? ???. ??????. ???. ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ??????????????? ????????? ??????

Product Features :-

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2+1 year warranty

2+1 ????????? ?????? ??????????????????

What is OCA lamination machine and how is it affecting phone repair?

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Are you trouble in poor repairing of cellphones, maybe you lack a useful helper-OCA Laminating Machine. The machine that you can apply to many problems with mobile phones or tablets.

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Why Do We Choose To Use OCA Lamination Machine?

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Nowadays most people would like to use smartphones in their daily life for communication or doing business with people all over the world. It???s very convenient for people to buy or sell things online now. And the smartphone is small size and easy to carry, so the requirement of smartphones keeps increasing every year. There are so many smartphone brands in the market for people to choose from. In the past time, it was difficult to mend the smartphones if the screen of the smartphone was broken and the cost of repairing was expensive. People would like to choose to change a new cellphone, but it is not convenient to transfer private information to a new phone.

It is not a problem for this situation anymore because we human beings have a super brain to solve this problem. There is a good helper for fixing cellphones coming out, that is OCA Laminating machine.

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What Is an OCA Laminator Machine?

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This is a machine that you can use it to fix the broken screens of iPhone, Samsung, all sizes Edge and Straight screens of cellphones. By the way, some advanced machine also can change a broken screen of iPad and tablets. It is very easy and clear to operate and safe. Even you are a beginner, you also can learn it quickly.

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How Is Operating Principle Of Laminator?

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The laminator is an industrial automation product controlled by PLC or single-chip computer and is one of the devices used for the gluing of cellphone screens. It is suitable for the automatic bonding process of OCA adhesive with glass or PET.

When we use the OCA machine to work, we place the cellphone LCD screen and glass covering the plate in the vacuum box in the vacuum environment. Through to use the cylinder pressure of the machine to make the inner mold of vacuum cylinder be lowered.

Let the glass covering plate, and the LCD screen which is placed in the lower mold of vacuum cylinder are fully fitted so that we can complete the key technology of cellphone screen repairing, that is ???OCA Bonding Process???.

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What Is The Benefits Of Laminator Machine?

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First, the full bonding technology, which named OCA Optical Adhesive, bonds the glass coating with the LCD screen fully in a seamless way. Compare with the frame sticker; it can provide a better display effect.

Second, do not need to worry about the screen getting dusty anymore.

Third, LCD screens are also more lightweight and thinner than traditional screens because they are tightly fitted with the glass covering plate to improve the strength of outside.

Forth, the durability improvement of cellphones increases the recycling rate of phones so that it can reduce the environmental pressure and realize the real green economy in our society.

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What Is The Features Of OCA Machine?

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There are some standard features of most OCA laminating machine currently in the market, including some new models.

First, it is a significant feature that it has an intelligent man-machine interface; the operation process is clear of a touch screen or one-button operation procedure.

Second, as stated previously, the machines can be bulky. The average weight of the laminator can range from about 45-60KGS and a size of around 480*450*350MM. This makes sense when you take into account the fact that they are multi-purpose and some laminators have five machines built into one, so it is more convenient to operate, and it just occupies a small space. It inbuilt bubble remover, automatic ventilation fans, compressor, vacuum motor.

Third, the machine equipped with inner closed bubble remover and the safety factor is higher.

Forth, the laminator has a large radius cylinder and four balance rail joints, so the success rate of laminating is nearly 100%.

Fifth, the size of the laminating plate is responsible for how many devices can be glued in any given moment as well as the maximum size of lamination. There is a model that it tends to have 7 to 8 inches worth of plate sizes which allow for not just cellphones but also tablet lamination. The plate is often enclosed within a more substantial construction to allow for a vacuum to be created for the process.

Sixth, some new models apply a more flexible airbag usage to significantly reduce previous risks when it came to damaging the phones??? flex cable. The soft and flexible lamination also ensures an even and consistent protective coating every single time with no risk of screen damage.

Seventh, the OCA Lamination Machine price is reasonable. It depends on the request of users or customers. If you need the function of laminating, it???s cheap. If you expect one machine has many useful functions for repairing cellphones, the price might be quite a little higher.

In conclusion, in the age of digital, network and intelligence, most people cannot live without cellphones. Mobile phones have played the most important role in our daily life and doing business, and the demand for repairing phones would keep increasing. Thus no matter you run a repairing store for cellphones or you are a manufacturer for mobile phones; it is indispensable for you to have an OCA Lamination Machine.

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